In addition to engineering services, MEC is active in the field of research and development. Participation in several research projects and programs contributes for the continuous development of our services and keeps them in line with the newest methods and tools available.
Projects funded by European Regional Development Fund
2017 – Technical feasibility study of autonomous service vessel conducted in cooperation with Small Craft Competence Centre of TalTech. The study has been conducted to investigate the possible applications and technical requirements of autonomous service vessels. (4 950 €)
2018–2019 Development of platform for an autonomous surface vessel and to assess its capabilities to fulfil independent missions. Project implemented in cooperation with Small Craft Competence Centre of TalTech and Composite Plus OÜ. (EU52013; 119 999 €)
2018–2020 Proof of Concept of Energy Efficient Universal Autonomous Surface Vessel. Project aims to develop a next generation autonomous surface vehicle. The applied research project will be run jointly with Hyrles OÜ and TalTech. (355 309 €)
2021–2022 Development of visualization materials. The development is supported by the European Regional Development Fund through Enterprise Estonia, which provided support amount of 48 735,40 euros to the Association of Estonian Marine Industries (project EU52715). The visualization materials are available at the Showroom.